Nebo Medical Centre is an outreach clinic in Nebo, Queensland that runs on a fortnightly basis.
For more information on dates and to make a booking call our main branch -
Awal Medical Centre: 07 4956 1718 and ask about Nebo Medical Bookings.
Nebo Dates are also posted on the front door of Nebo Medical Centre, the Nebo General Store and on our Facebook page.
In an emergency: If you have a life-threatening medical condition dial 000 -
Public Emergency Care: Mackay Base Hospital - 475 Bridge Road, Mackay QLD
For non-urgent health advice call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
Nebo Medical Centre provides primary care services to the Nebo Community; including general family medicine, chronic disease management, skin checks, baby, adult and travel vaccinations and health checks for all ages.
Healthcare in Nebo
Providing quality healthcare in rural Queensland
Awal Medical Centre started outreach clinics as Nebo Medical in 2015, the building was there but manpower was much needed. It has continued to grow and flourish into busy outreach days, dedicated to bringing medical care for the Nebo Community.